Product Training Update

Operatives from CSC Services have attended two training days this week as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to the professional development of staff.

Operatives travelled down to Belzona’s Technology Centre in Harrogate to attend their Buildings and Structures Awareness Training Course.

Belzona specialises in the design and manufacture of polymer repair composites and industrial protective coatings for building and structures.  Several of Belzona’s safety surfacing polymers are specified by client EDF Energy, so practical training by the manufacturer into the correct application and after care of these products is essential.

Operatives also attended training with FOSROC Constructive Solutions this week. FOSROC offer a comprehensive range of products including concrete repair and remediation solutions. Learning about the full technical specification and correct application of this product range enables CSC Services’ operatives to offer clients a choice on the optimum solutions to problems.

Operatives will undertake theoretical and practical training with Flexcrete next week. As the leading independent manufacturer of technical mortars and high performance coatings, CSC Services regularly use Flexcrete products in concrete repair work.

If you would a copy of CSC Services’ Product and Coatings portfolio please contact The portfolio has been independently compiled by CSC Services to offer clients a clear guide to the many specialist coating products available. It outlines the relevant merits of each product and describes recent projects in which the product has been used.