Repair of External Floodwall Protection

Project Background

Our nuclear power sector client needed to install flood protection to the external flood wall at their Hartlepool site. The barrier’s role is to provide protection against coastal flooding by limiting the ingress of water as much as practically possible and this represented an essential flooding safety work case on the site. The project followed a full review of all nuclear stations within the company to measure robustness in coping with extreme external flooding events. Analysis had included coastal flooding, rainfall (pluvial) flooding and river (fluvial) source flooding and the Hartlepool site had been identified as sensitive to modelling assumptions for a coastal flooding event.

The Aluminium Flood Barrier fitted to the north east wall

Work Completed

Fellow contractor Cavendish Nuclear, removed the existing aluminium plate flood defence, before installation of the new aluminium plating to the required flood height, as specified in the safety case. At CSC Services our work included breaking out the cracking concrete, cleaning and repairing all concrete damaged, before applying a protective weather coating to the wall. Once the replacement floodwall protection defence works were complete on the section of the wall, back-out & site excellence activates took place to ensure the area was suitable before removing barriers and opening the area back up. Throughout the execution phase, our teams attended weekly progress meetings, aiding the progression to plan and ensure interactions between working parties were managed.

Floodwall Protection
The Aluminium Flood Barrier fitted to the north east wall

Project Outcome

The replacement floodwall protection and addition of the new flood defence barrier ensured satisfaction of the safety case, with adequate safety measures in place to avoid risking nuclear safety should a coastal flooding event occur. Overall, the installation of this barrier will improve the flood resilience of the station and support the Flooding Safety Case.

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